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  • Registration closes in June and opens July 1 for the new school year. 

  • Memberships expire June 30th every year, and membership must be renewed every year to remain active.

  • Website access will be restricted after August 30 for all upaid members.

  • Members must agree to our Statement of Faith and Standards of Conduct.

Membership Types

  • Regular Membership: $40/year  For families of a homeschooling couple or single parent and the children. 

  • Early- Bird Registration: $30/year  For those registering from July 1 to August 31.

  • Alumni Membership: $15.50/year  For GWCHE Alumni families whose children have all graduated but would still like to have access to the GWCHE website, forums, and to share ideas and wisdom with other families.

  • Board Membership: Free

  • Widow/Widower Membership: Free

  • Missionary Membership: Free  Homeschooling missionaries in the Waco area on furlough can apply for up to one year of free GWCHE membership. Contact the GWCHE membership coordinator - [email protected].

  • Prorated Late Membership (Starting February 1): $20/year  The membership still expires June 30th and must be renewed for the following school year

*We are sorry, but these Membership Fees are not refundable. 


What does GWCHE do with the dues?

  • Maintain our insurance policy

  • Maintain our website

  • Cover expenses for our events and facility rentals

  • Purchase a gift for our library each year based on nominations from our members (for example, one year we bought the Life of Fred series) 

  • We also will sometimes subsidize field trip fees. 

Questions about membership?

Please email  [email protected]




How do I join GWCHE?


  • Select the Join Button on the homepage 

  • Fill out the registration form

  • Agree to our Statement of Faith

  • Agree to our Standards of Conduct

  • Complete the Waiver of Liability

  • Pay your membership fee